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Easter eggs are inside jokes or references that have been added to the game by the developers. This article is a list in progress, aiming to provide detailed information about the Easter eggs in Torment: Tides of Numenera.

Video games[]

Planescape: Torment[]

  • The Changing God is sometimes referred to as "Adahn". This is a reference to Planescape: Torment, in which the Nameless One can repeatedly lie, introducing himself as Adahn, until Adahn becomes so real that he appears to converse with the protagonist.
  • The Bronze Sphere, a numenera which can be acquired from the mirror in the Buried Crossroads, is a reference to the original Bronze Sphere from Planescape: Torment.
  • O, who can be met in the Fifth Eye bar, is the same character who was in the Smoldering Corpse Bar in Planescape: Torment.
  • Talking to the floating head like construct in the Warehouse in the Lower Ward reveals the head is called "The Vault of the Ninth World" which is the name of the location where Tides of Numenera takes place.
  • One of the locations you can visit is the First Castoff's Tomb which is a reference to the Nameless Ones Tomb.
  • The giant monster skeleton in The Chamber of Bones looks like the one where Fhjull Forked-Tongue lives.
  • In the Oasis Fathom you can convince someone they don't exist causing them to disappear, much like one of the Nameless One's memories.
  • The Prestidigitator Cypher is a callback to Marrow-Friend from Ragpicker's Square, the pictures on the box show you're supposed to eat the finger and not replace one of your own.
  • Tantalum, can manipulate the metal he named himself after, much the same way that Dak'kon can manipulate the karach blade with his psyche.
  • The Blob-of-three and it's bizarre amalgamatian resembles Pestle kiln from the apothecary. The way the small head screams unintelligible profanities may also be a reference to the small skulls from the pillar of skulls,
  • The glimpses we see of the changing god's personality shows us that he is very similar to the personality of the practical incarnation. They both seek to achieve their goal through any means necessary, even if many people have to suffer in the process. They have no problem carrying out extremely violent acts and brutal emotional/psychological manipulation in pursuit of their respective goals.
  • The entire paradigm of the women in sagus cliffs who are tormented by the woman they're supposed to become shares many similarities with the model of the Nameless one. Every incarnation of the nameless one are tormented by their past selves and are not allowed individuality, much like the women in sagus cliffs who are tormented by the prospect of becoming something they are not, and desperately cling to the person they are. In a sense, there is a theme of being unable to hold onto one's own identity.
  • The women in sagus cliffs could also be similar to Mebbeth, Ei-vene and Marta who are all aspects of Ravel. Mebbeth even said she dreamed she was someone else.
  • The catena in little Nihliesh continues to preserve the memories and images of the passengers, as it believes it has failed in its' duty to transport them safely to their destination. This act is very comparable to the crier of es-annon in sigil, in that there is a theme of preserving an important memory at the expense of ones own peace of mind. The last castoff can offer to use his shared mindspace in order to preserve the memory of the passengers, much the same way that the Nameless One can offer to have the name 'es-annon' etched onto the stone obeliskIn the Necrolis, there's a vault 2-2-1-3 in which you can find two easter eggs, the first one is a grave on which there's a description saying "Respawningpleasewait", and the other one is the grave next to it, which says "Yemeth" Which is a very interesting easter egg from the previous torment, in which Yemeth was one of the aliases of the main hero, and there was also a deleted quest called Pendant of Yemeth[1], the pendant which can be still found in the game files, but has no usage.