Torment Wiki

"This is a heavy, plain-looking, metallic jug with a hinged stopper. Despite its common appearance, you feel reluctant to touch the thing, as if it might bite you. You've been told there's some sort of monster trapped inside of it - but peering into the jug's mouth reveals nothing but inky blackness."

The Monster Jug is a miscellaneous item in Planescape: Torment.


Using this item set the Gehreleth trapped inside free in order to fight it. It can only be used from within TNO's inventory (other character's don't have the 'use' option and even though you can equip it as a usable item, using it in-game does nothing).

Killing Gehreleth gains you 14000 Experience.


The Monster Jug can be bought from Vrischika's Curiosity Shoppe in the Clerk's Ward for 100 copper commons.
