Torment Wiki

Wife-of-Angyar is, as her name suggests, Angyar's Wife. She can be found at their home in the Hive's Mortuary Area.


See Angyar for the full quest summary.

Angyar's wife is concerned about her husband's increasingly bad moods. He signed a Dead Contract with the Dustmen, and regrets it. The Nameless One can offer to help find a way out of the contract.


  • Evil: Saying that if she was going to call her husband, she would have done so already.
  • Evil, Chaotic: Threatening her into asking questions (this option always fails and she attacks)
  • Good: Asking her what's wrong
  • Good: Offering to help
  • Lawful: Promise not telling Angyar her involvement in taking back the contract, proceeding to keep the promise (by tearing the contract apart).
  • Evil: demanding payment after taking back the contract, first accept the money, then say "...this will work for starters", for 2 points

Store Characteristics[]

See Store (PS:T) for more information on markups.

After the aforementioned quest is completed, Wife-of-Angyar will offer to sell TNO and his party some of her meager wares.

This store allows the buying of items. The Nameless One cannot steal items from Wife-of-Anygar.

  • Sell Markup: 120%

Items for Sale[]

Item Type Stock
Bandages Charm 3
Needle and Thread Charm 3

Items wiling to Buy[]

Wife-of-Angyar isn't willing to buy any items from TNO and his party.
